Monday, March 30, 2009

Krugman: LOOK AT ME I'M SO MODEST!!!!11

Oh hai.

Princeton professor and Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman appears on this week's cover of Newsweek, complete with an adorable (or "whimsical," as one Press Clubber puts it) picture and a profile penned by visiting journalism professor Evan Thomas.

Though the profile is an interesting look at Krugman's role as a liberal critic of the Obama Administration, the part that stood out to us was this little passage:

"Krugman pointed out that unlike some earlier Nobel Prize winners, he has not asked for a better parking place on campus. (He was not kidding.)"

Oooo! What a diss! Krugman is so liberal and such a crazy commie that he's okay not getting a better parking space because that's, like, totally for the bourgeois. But whom could he be talking about? There's been a bunch of faculty who've won the physics Nobel Prize since the 1980s, but there's only been a few who've won the economics prize. Aside from Krugman, the most recent faculty member was Eric Maskin (2007) who is a visiting professor. And then there's Daniel Kahneman (2002) and John Nash (1994). For some reason, I just can't imagine John Nash demanding a better parking space, but who knows?


(image source:

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