Name: Alexander Vosick Barnard
Age: 21
Major: Sociology
Hometown: Flagstaff, Arizona
Eating club/residential college/affiliation: One man Spelman vegan cooperative.
Who's your favorite Princetonian, living or dead, real or fictional?
Sean Gleason.
What's the best meal you've eaten in Princeton?
Full Eggplant Parmesean (minus the Parmesean) from Hoagie Haven. By merit of being from Hoagie Haven, it's probably 80% meat by osmosis, but we all have indulgences.
In one sentence, what do you actually do all day?
Sit around and read about people who are trying to change the world, and try to figure out why everything still sucks.
What is your greatest guilty pleasure?
Tormenting librarians. There's nothing that I get more of a kick out of than wandering into a university at library at 10:00 a.m. on a Saturday and joining the band in a serenade of "Tequila." We were definitely not planning to do that at the Citadel before our plans were derailed by the cadets attacking us.
What's the last student performance you saw?
"Boy Gets Girl." Jordan Bubin ’09 was playing a porn producer so there was no way I was missing it.
Do you know all the words to Old Nassau?
Being from the band, I've sung and played Old Nassau after more Princeton sports losses than you can possibly imagine, so yes, I know the words.
What do you hate most about Princeton?
Entitlement and apathy.
What's your drink?
Beast. I'm a philistine.
How often do you cook?
A few times a week, depending on how strict the meal checkers at the eating clubs are feeling.
What's your favorite medication?
Running in the Institute woods.
What's hanging above your desk and/or bed?
An "Anti-Flag" (it's a band...) poster on which the lead singer has written "Fuck Printston" [sic]. I also have a picture of Steve Prefontaine and the seal for my cult that reads "Elk Kicks Ass" in Latin (long story).
Where do you do your best thinking?
Eating thrown away fruit salad at the Whole Foods on Houston St. in NYC with my freegan friends.
When's bedtime?
New Butler or Old Butler?
Old Butler. Making you walk through the bathroom to get anywhere was a masterstroke.
What do you think of Dean Malkiel?
Seems like a nice lady.
Where is the worst place on campus?
While I'm tempted to name an eating club, I'm going to go with Wu Library. I've been traumatized ever since I wrote my final for Robbie George's Civil Liberties there.
Who is your mortal enemy?
Whomever is in charge.
When's the last time you used cash?
Too recently.
In 25 years, I will be…
Hiding from the CIA in a Bolivian Rainforest (hopefully), or maybe writing books about obscure anarchist movements at whatever university will take me, contemplating whether I'm so old I ought to shave my mohawk.
Where do you go to study alone?
The train to New York.
What makes someone a Princetonian?
Bad taste in clothing. Madras pants? I find better things in the trash.
[Also, here's a video of Barnard screaming...?]:
(image source: princeton.edu)
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