Name: Anthony D'Amato
Age: 21
Major: English
Hometown: Blairstown, NJ
Eating club/residential college/affiliation: Terrace Club, Rockefeller College
Who's your favorite Princetonian, living or dead, real or fictional?
Jonathan Ames (writer)
What's the best meal you've eaten in Princeton?
Old World Pizza
In one sentence, what do you actually do all day?
I look for ways to put things off until tomorrow.
What is your greatest guilty pleasure?
I steal from my roommates. Constantly.
What's the last student performance you saw?
Triangle Show
Do you know all the words to Old Nassau?
I did not know it was a song until you told me this summer. [Ed.: A Press Clubber unfortunately roomed with Anthony over the summer]
What do you hate most about Princeton?
I keep a running list on the wall in my room.
What's your drink?
Blood--it's the purest form of recycling.
How often do you cook?
What's your favorite medication?
I don't know…my allergy pills? This is a retarded question.
What's hanging above your desk and/or bed?
A picture of Joe Strummer and a picture of Bob Dylan.
Where do you do your best thinking?
Late night.
When's bedtime?
Later at night.
New Butler or Old Butler?
Don't care.
What do you think of Dean Malkiel?
I know nothing about this person.
Where is the worst place on campus?
The bathroom down the hall after the swim team vomits all over it twice a week.
Who is your mortal enemy?
Anyone who vomits where I want to walk barefoot.
When's the last time you used cash?
In 25 years, I will be…
46 years old.
Where do you go to study alone?
My room.
What makes someone a Princetonian?
Attending Princeton University.
Anthony will be performing this Friday at the Sidewalk Café in the East Village (Ave A & E. 6th St.) from 10-11 PM. You can download his EP free from his Myspace page.
(image source: myspace.com/anthonydamatomusic)
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